Doug Plourde

Immediate Past Board Chair

Cary Medical Center

Doug Plourde is a native of Caribou, Maine.  Growing up in Caribou Doug was introduced to the retail industry as his family operated a multi-generation furniture business in the community. Doug took on the family business in its 4th generation as President of the Plourde Furniture Company.  The challenges of managing a retail business in Caribou took on additional consequence with the closure of Loring Air Force Base, a large Strategic Air Command facility which had been a catalyst for economic activity in the region for many years.  In spite of this development the Plourde Furniture Company continued to thrive and after a very successful career with the company, Doug has recently retired.

In addition to his successful leadership with the furniture company, Doug had a desire so serve his community and was appointed to the Caribou Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and served as chairman of the Chamber Board.  Doug also served on the Caribou Hospital District, a legislatively created entity that served as the ‘Landlord’ for Cary Medical Center and had the responsibility of approving any significant capital improvements at the medical center.  With his experience in both the business community and healthcare, Doug was appointed to the Board of Directors for Pines Health Services, a Federally Qualified Rural Health Center.  Pines, which operated a large primary care physician practice along with a number of other physician specialists, was growing and expanded from its base in Caribou to a number of satellite locations in outlying communities.  Demonstrating a strong interest and commitment to the healthcare sector, Doug was appointed to the Board of Directors for Cary Medical Center in 2015 and in 2018 was named chairman of the board serving in that leadership position for six years.  It was during his time as board chairman that the hospital experienced the COVID 19 Pandemic.  Throughout the years of this crisis Doug continued to provide leadership, helping the hospital not only to come through the pandemic but to experience continued success, including being named one of the top 100 places to work in Maine.

Terming off the board in 2023, Doug continues to provide valuable input as immediate past chair and member of the board’s Executive Committee.  In addition to his work with the hospital he currently serves on the board of directors and is vice-chair for the Aroostook Savings and Loan Bank.  He also serves as chairman of the board for Facilities, Inc. a non-profit property management organization.

Doug’s service to the board of directors at Cary Medical Center came at a critical time for the hospital and he provided extraordinary leadership and guidance, particularly in his appreciation and recognition of the hospital’s staff for their heroic efforts during the COVID 19 Pandemic. He also played an important role during the hospitals every three year accreditation by the Joint Commission.